What others are saying

“I’m always there in Spirit, and sometimes in body! What lucky women to get to work in circle with Kaliani & Jennifer. If you’re looking to open your feminine power in circle with other cool women, this is IT!!!”

— Mellissa Seaman, Shamanic Priestess and Healer, Middletown, CA

“I recently returned from an extremely powerful weekend workshop that made me feel as if I was a flower just sprouting up from the ground. It was a magical feeling of excitement and infinite possibility. I now know that without the deep internal work the Temple Priestess Program facilitated for me, I would never have planted the seeds or had the nourishment to sprout. Temple Priestess was an invaluable experience for this majorbreakthrough in my spiritual growth and advancement on my life path. What I experienced with the Priestess Program truly affected every area of my life from personal relationships, to my business, and too my spiritual development. I am forever grateful!”

— Dana Garced, L.Ac., Holistic Esthetician and Acupuncturist, San Diego, CA

“When I came to the Temple Priestess program, I was at a low point in my life where everything I knew had been shattered. Disconnection and fear of the unknown were constant companions. The Temple Priestess program gave me more than I could have ever expected or even knew I needed – a COMMUNITY of powerful and connected women. Through the Temple Priestess program, I have connected with my body for the first time in my life; and feel good about connecting with others. I have met so many wonderful healers through this program, and have started on the path to becoming a healer myself. The Temple Priestess program is the kind of empowerment that happens when women who are ready to change and are given the space, love, guidance and tools to truly become who they are supposed to be. It is a catapult into a life you cannot even imagine now. I am honored to now be a strong and active part of this community.”

— Jaime Lyerly, San Diego, CA

“Last November I embarked on a magical journey with Jennifer and Kaliani, a journey that opened up so many layers for me. The Priestess Training is an amazing program that pushes the limits of the known and unknown, so that we are constantly exploring new facets of who we are and who we wish to become. Jennifer and Kaliani individually are brilliant teachers, and together they weave a net of wisdom that really allows the freedom to be in sisterhood and in the wisdom of the priestess. The teachings alone are worth being in the course, but the camaraderie, the friendships, the learning to trust other sisters is a gift beyond words. A must-take training.”

— Liana Carbón, The Mystical Shaman, San Diego, CA

“I have finally found a spiritual presence in myself that doesn’t make me uncomfortable. Temple Priestess has been the spiritual kick-in-the-butt program I needed to put the ego in the back seat! Discovering my spiritual truth has planted a seed. Temple Priestess is just the fertile ground I need to nurture it into maturity!”

— Angie Widder, Photographer, San Diego, CA

“There’s no doubt why the Temple Priestess group invitation reached me at the exact same timing I felt I was still waiting for something to click into place with my daily practice and working what I am here to do in this lifetime. What this wonderful group did for me was give me the space, time and support of a close family of women to explore very deeply many of the things hidden under the surface or connecting in from ancient times, that were all at work in a way I may not have been able to recognize or get to so succinctly on my own. Perfectly in alignment with other events and spiritual practices unfolding during this time, comes a multidimensional recognition of self, spiralling out through time, and back again to now. Remembrance of Goddess energy, love and wisdom, and how She is so needed in our lives now, not just as stories and myths of a distant past. Thanks for this reconnection with the very core of who we all are.”

— Janet Feathered Cape, San Marcos, CA


“I always come home smiling and happy!”

— Sarah B., San Diego, CA

“The Temple Priestess Program is an amazing vessel that not only contains the process work that women need to go through to become empowered, it also transports them from the place they begin to the place they set intention to get to, wherever that is for each unique individual. This program was a integral piece to transformative steps I’d yearned to make for years … even decades! I feel monumentally more in control of my own destiny than ever before.”

— Becky Guffey, Holistic Advisor, San Diego, CA

“The Temple Priestess program has been an important turning point for me at every level of my life. Every experience in the program completely connected to my personal, business and spiritual path. Every new lesson was an “aha” that allowed me to connect the dots to my own priestess tradition. Working with Jennifer and Kaliani, revealed to me a wealth of wisdom and opened my eyes to the beauty of this path, myself and fellow priestess initiates. I enjoy being part of a lineage of powerful women who are active in bringing this wisdom to the world. I look forward to embodying priestess power in every aspect of my life. If you are ready to learn what it means to be a woman of power, join the Temple Priestess Program.”

— Juliet Oberding, J.D., Bliss Strategies, Coronado, CA

“Jennifer and Kaliani create very safe and sacred space encouraging our Priestess selves to come forward and alive. The Priestess program has been both a challenging and empowering experience for me. Challenging me to examine, dig deeper and stretch further my own belief systems both psychologically and spiritually, giving me a greater understanding of my own strengths, and limiting processes. Empowering in that this program has introduced me to many spiritual traditions and practices, as well as healing modalities that I would have never been exposed to on my own. Nothing is ever forced or mandated, giving me the freedom to explore that which resonates with me. There is a great sense of community within this program. The bond of woman is a powerful bond and I have come to appreciate and adore my Priestess sisters, each and every one of them. Gathering together on a regular basis with like minded women fills an ancient gap that our society has left void.”

— K. Wilson, San Diego, CA

“This class has brought a happiness within myself I didn’t know existed. I have become happy and proud of my own personal truth. Through this whole process I have also gained a closer morespiritual bond with my husband. I have learned to not be so controlling and let things go. I feel so empowered. I know I have a strong group of women around me. I have not had that before. Healing my bond with women is priceless to me. I am forever grateful for this class I could go on for days about all the changes it has brought to my life.”

— Nissa Calling Spirit Crnkovich, San Diego, CA


“For one year of Temple Priestess training, Kaliani and Jennifer as women who have claimed their sacredness and relationship with the divine, guided me and my small group of sisters showing us how to claim the same powerful values for ourselves.  It was an experience that unfolded through the months that brought much growth for me in simply coming into my own for who I am, not having to define, judge or push myself with any agenda.  Through this program, I’ve come to accept myself as I always have been while at the same time feeling filled with the energy of joy and trust in this safe circle of women that I haven’t found through anything else I’ve taken part in.  This year has been a journey that has not ended but a training place and continuation for walking a path of sacredness and claiming it as I deserve to.  The extended spiritual community of new friends I found though being involved has shown to be such an added bonus to my ongoing and increasing happiness as I grow and development with them too.”

— Anita Kuhn, San Diego, CA

“In the Temple Priestess Program, with Kaliani and Jennifer’s guidance, I really came to know my spiritual self in a way that was very natural and organic. I opened to discover what spirituality and temple priestess meant for me, while feeling completely supported by a group of beautiful, amazing and powerful women. As a result, I’ve started to create the life I’ve always wanted for myself, and I’m loving this amazing journey of my life. I’m so grateful for the experience, and I look forward to future Priestess gatherings!”

— Melissa H., San Diego, CA

“The Temple Priestess Program has changed my life. During the first six month Priestess program I learned what being a priestess means to me and I also met some very strong women. During the second six months I found myself. I’ve learned to believe in my own personal power. I have so much to share with others and I am no longer afraid to speak my mind. Thank you so much Jennifer and Kaliani.”

— Shelly M., Initiated Lapis Priestess, San Diego, CA

“I had no idea what I was getting into! And I feel so blessed to be a part of it… a sisterhood of powerful women supporting each other in personal growth and healing, coming into alignment with the Mother and discovering our own destiny paths. When I began my journey as a Temple Priestess it was to explore my own hidden depths and form deeper relationships with women. What also happened was my sleeping inner-shaman awoke, and now I have a shamanic practice as well as these incredible Goddesses in my life.”

— Mara Clear Spring, Shamanic Practitioner and Reiki Master, La Mesa, CA

2 thoughts on “What others are saying

  1. maria catherine a. collins

    Good Morning,
    I have a question re initiation program is this a weekend course for 6 mos.? and how do i register and cost.
    love and light,

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