Training Program

This is a pathway of service

Imagine standing as a priestess facilitator in front of others—in full authentic power, utter transparency and vulnerability, and transmitting that power—creating a transformative experience for participants.

  • Get plugged back into your Feminine power, sense of playfulness, and beauty
  • Stand in your integrity and hold your authentic power
  • Create ritual that is deeply effecting, wholly authentic, and palpably effective
  • Raise energy and connect participants with the unseen mysteries of the Universe
  • Hold safe space for others
  • Have access to a sisterhood of support

Join a tribe of juicy women working cooperatively together to effect change in the world!

A temple priestess…

  • is confident, wild, and radiant
  • feels at home in her “body temple”
  • allows herself to experience pleasure on all levels
  • doesn’t wait for life to look perfect, she knows that juiciness is internally-generated and doesn’t come from the external (including from her relationships or body shape)
  • takes responsibility for her life
  • is willing to experience the whole range of human emotion
  • is in tune with the natural cycles of life’s ebb and flow, wax and wane
  • works in concert with the priestess sisterhood and understands every roll is important to the whole

“In the Temple Priestess Program, with Kaliani and Jennifer’s guidance, I really came to know my spiritual self in a way that was very natural and organic. I opened to discover what spirituality and temple priestess meant for me, while feeling completely supported by a group of beautiful, amazing and powerful women. As a result, I’ve started to create the life I’ve always wanted for myself, and I’m loving this amazing journey of my life.”
— Melissa H., San Diego, CA

With Jennifer Masters and Kaliani Devinne

Sorry, there are no new Training Programs scheduled at this time.

  • Women only
  • Space is limited
  • Meets in San Diego, California

“The Temple Priestess program has been an important turning point for me at every level of my life. Every experience in the program completely connected to my personal, business and spiritual path. Every new lesson was an “aha” that allowed me to connect the dots to my own priestess tradition. Working with Jennifer and Kaliani, revealed to me a wealth of wisdom and opened my eyes to the beauty of this path, myself and fellow priestess initiates. I enjoy being part of a lineage of powerful women who are active in bringing this wisdom to the world. I look forward to embodying priestess power in every aspect of my life. If you are ready to learn what it means to be a woman of power, join the Temple Priestess Program.” — Juliet Oberding, J.D., Bliss Strategies, Coronado, CA


Click here to read more about who a Temple Priestess is »
