Kaliani Devinne

Kaliani Devinne and the Native American pictographs near her home in San DiegoWhen I embarked on my spiritual journey in 2004, I could never have imagined where it would take me and how much I would grow. That year I went out on a limb and decided to give myself a birthday present and attended a Reiki class taught by my yoga instructor—it was 04/04/04!

I was a successful paralegal, I was married, had a wonderful son, the house, the financial security….. But as I built my personality around the roles I played, I lost my awareness of self. I lived according to others’ expectations, desires and whims. It took a lot of energy to keep that house of cards from blowing over. I had spent most of my life to that point being repressed, depressed, compressed and under pressure.

As a result of the Reiki attunement, my low back pain that had been excruciating and persistent for several years, was instantly relieved and continued to heal with subsequent self-treatment; I felt an amazing warmth and tingling flowing through the palms of my hands; and I went from being an agnostic skeptic to KNOWING that God existed and that this energy flowing through me was the light and vibration of the Divine! I began to leave my old story behind, rebuild my self-esteem, and put my needs, wants, desires and agenda first.

I began offering training in Reiki as an alternative therapy to use with hospice patients. Through my hospice volunteer work I learned a lot about letting go, and that love is the only thing we take with us. I discovered my gift is being a channel for light and love; a presence in which the space is held for whatever you need to process in the moment.

I joined a group of amazing women training to become priestesses and reawaken their knowledge of the Feminine Divine continuing on to become initiated as a Priestess in the Fall of 2005, and then as a Tantric Priestess in the spring of 2006. I learned that what I am at my core is a mystic, someone who lives their life as a constant prayer, in harmony with the flow of life force energy in its balanced feminine and masculine manifestations.

I embarked on a journey of finding that balance—learning to integrate both feminine and masculine power. I am in the midst of writing a book of my experience at a Native American Sundance in Montana, during which I spent a week in a traditional Moon Lodge and felt, first-hand, both the power of the divine feminine through my monthly flow, and also encountered the dysfunctional connotations placed on my period as being ‘unclean’ and an unwelcomed energy.

This experience was so intense and powerful that it spurred me onward to become a Moon Lodge caretaker for over 2 years for the San Diego community of women interested in shamanism and Native American ways, and to pursue a three-year transformational training with PAX Programs. PAX teaches fundamental distinctions between the ways in which men and women think, act and show up in each other’s lives. These distinctions restore the balance of power between women and men and work towards a time when we may end the war between the sexes.

Working with priestess initiates, I’ve found my center. Mentoring women in their discovery of the spark of divinity within them and into a direct relationship to the Goddess has been remarkable. I come alive in ceremony. All that I’ve gathered along my path is available, ready to bring to the table for whatever the initiates need in the present moment.

All of this training, however, is icing on the cake. How I work with healing energy, and what I do, I’ve always done. Within each of us, at the core of our Highest Self, is a gift, a talent, an infinite resource, a unique vibration. My purpose is to bring you tools that can help you get back in touch with your own personal vibration, the internal flame of your soul, the personal guru inside (She who brings the light to the darkness). Rediscovered and restored for you to share as the unique individualization of Spirit that you already are.

Namaste (the light in me acknowledges the light in you) and Sat Nam (that is the essence of truth)

Kaliani Devinne is a Steward of the HeartWisdom Sanctuary

Kaliani is also…

  • A certified Yoga instructor with 200 hour training in both gentle Hatha yoga and Kundalini yoga
  • Schooled in shamanic practice and psychic arts; able to give the Munay Ki Sacred Medicine Rites of the ancient Q’ero
  • Trained by Maria Yraceburu, Quero Apache ceremonialist and Lynda Yraceburu, Romani gypsy healer
  • Follower of the Goddess Kali, member of the Sharanya Temple and graduate of their course on Kali
  • Member of the Re-Formed Congregation of the Goddess-International
  • Author of the forthcoming book, Seeing Red: The Transformation of Anger into Spiritual Fire, Moon Rise at Sundance

Kaliani leads transformational classes and workshops in the San Diego area. She co-facilitates a Priestess Training program with Jennifer Masters, through which women may reconnect with their divine feminine spirituality. She is also available for private Reiki sessions by appointment.

Disclaimer: The information contained on this web site is provided for your general information only. Kaliani Devinne (Cynthia Hupper) and her associates are not doctors or medical professionals and do not claim to treat, cure, or diagnose disease, illness, or injury, whether physical, psychological, or otherwise, they do not give medical advice, prescribe treatment, or engage in the practice of medicine, and are not a replacement for appropriate medical attention. All content except as noted is subject to copyright by Jennifer Masters or Kaliani Devinne (Cynthia Hupper).

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