Jennifer Masters

BD_Feb2010Jennifer Masters is the “Get Your Juice Back” Women’s Guide, helping women who are fatigued, drained, and uninspired, perhaps suffering from health imbalances and relationship difficulties—she offers workshops and programs that heal, empower, and connect these women, so they can transform themselves back into juicy women.

At San Diego State University she pursued a degree in Women’s Studies which initiated her journey of studying Goddess Worship and the reclamation of witchcraft. This led to her becoming a High Priestess of a public Wiccan circle for a number of years. Simultaneously she discovered Reiki, and began training as an energy healer.

She holds certifications as both a trance dance and sacred dance facilitator, as well as being a Tribal belly dancer and teacher—all of which have contributed to her unique insights around healing through movement and being connected in the moment, and the magic that happens when you bring the community together to play.

A twice-initiated Temple Priestess and certified Intuitive-Shamanic Healer with Mellissa Seaman, Jennifer now carries on the tradition of Temple Priestess training in San Diego, helping women to step into their power and find themselves.

Through Jennifer’s own personal journey of finding her flow and reclaiming her feminine power, passion, confidence, connection, wholeness, and fulfillment in the journey, she is passionate about sharing the tools for other women’s transformation, to get their juice back!

Jennifer lives in San Diego with her husband Brian and their Lab-Spaniel mix, Charlie.

Additional Details

  • Facilitator of the San Diego Temple Priestess Training Program with Kaliani Devinne, since 2009
  • Twice-initiated Temple Priestess, Certified Intuitive-Shamanic Healer and Trance Dance Facilitator with Mellissa Seaman since 2004
  • Sacred Dance Facilitator, Certified with Kypris Aster Drake in 2006
  • Training in Romani gypsy and Quero Apache healing techniques with Lynda and Maria Yracébûrû, since 2005
  • Reiki Practitioner since 2000, Reiki Master-Teacher since 2003, trained in the tradition of Diane Stein with Sharon DuBois
  • Ordained as a Minister with the Universal Life Church in 2005
  • Facilitator of Shamanic, Wiccan, and pagan ritual and rite-of-passage ceremonies and handfastings (as well as Teaching), from private small groups to public groups of 100+ people, since 2002

To learn more about Jennifer, her events and offerings, Go to her main website at

Disclaimer: The information contained on this web site is provided for your general information only. Jennifer Masters and her associates are not doctors or medical professionals and do not claim to treat, cure, or diagnose disease, illness, or injury, whether physical, psychological, or otherwise, they do not give medical advice, prescribe treatment, or engage in the practice of medicine, and are not a replacement for appropriate medical attention. All content except as noted is subject to copyright by Jennifer Masters or Kaliani Devinne (Cynthia Hupper).

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