Five Steps for Manifesting in the New Paradigm of 2012

With these shifting times all the rituals are changing, says our treasured teacher and elder Beatrex Quntanna. Like many of our spiritual elders, she says the way we used to do things no longer work, we have all-new paradigms to work with.

5 steps to manifest in the new paradigm of 2012How to manifest our dreams, desires, and the life we want, is no exception to the new rules. In her Moon Class, Beatrex gave us a 5-step formula for manifesting in the new paradigm:

  1. Acknowledgement
    “I would like to manifest…”
  2. Adjustment
    “What would I have to adjust to, to have that?”
  3. Awakening
    “When I adjust I will awaken to life with what I’m manifesting. Enlightenment—I am being shown my truth in this moment.”
  4. Alignment
    “This or something better comes to me in an easy and pleasurable way for the good of all concerned.”
  5. Acceptance
    This is the key to manifestation. Acceptance of Self at all levels is what brings true happiness.

You might think of this as a moving, circular or five-pointed star that you work your way around many times. “Acceptance” comes first and last in the process.

For more information about Beatrex Quntanna go to»

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