What’s with this energy??

I bet you’ve been feeling it. I know the East Coast was jolted with it. I had to laugh at the Washington Monument (resident phallic power symbol in Washington DC) cracking and reportedly “tilting”. Followed by a hurricane, no less. Anyone in DC getting Mama’s Message? Tom Kenyon, channeling “The Hathors” reports that the “planet is entering a critical transition state, characterized by a multiplicity of Chaotic Nodes.” Many things in chaos at once. The Earth, our Sun, the economy, outdated political regimes, food supplies, weather, etc. All creating stress on an individual level and a collective level.

Will things get better? Well, if you subscribe to Mayan calendar expert Carl Johan Calleman’s theories, not likely. We’re in the “fifth night” of the current evolutionary level—and if we follow the previous stepped patterns, that would indicate now as the time of the most change, destruction, creation and growth. It’s a turning point for our species. Calleman’s calculations call for “shift to hit the fan” on October 28 of this year. Prophecies in other traditions call for the big shift to happen on 11/11/11, and still others expect it to come sometime over the next year, in 2012. Arguing over dates aside, if you look around, listen and feel, it’s already happening. Change is in the air, and flux and shift are the only certainties. Astrologers tell us that there have been huge polar opposites in the sky pulling us in different directions and leading to stalemates. But there is some good news, Mercury has gone direct today, and there’s a trine for abundance for the New Moon on Sunday.

How to cope? Stay centered. Be in gratitude. Ride the wave. Don’t buy into the fear, uncertainty, and panic that the media incites. Be thankful for every minute you are alive in this incredible human body at this amazing time. And, get on with your life. Spend time appreciating Mother Earth and Her creatures. Make the paradigm shift to the idea that You Chose This. Keep your sense of humor. Smile. Now.

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