Cutting ourselves a break: 16 things you can do to eliminate stress

The energy of the transformation of consciousness is upon us. ‘2012’ is happening now. During the next few months we will be processing a gigantic amount of change and will evolve very quickly. Multiple streams and concepts of consciousness shift are all coming to completion at the same moment. We have chosen to be here now.

I would go so far as to say that we are excited to be here now and are honored to be part of this process. AND, we are very much human beings having a spiritual experience. That means we are in physical form, with all its joys and complications. Our bodies are having a hard time keeping up. Our minds are going into overwhelm. Our emotions are mercurial. Our spirits are jazzed and on the edge of the cliff, with the pebbles under our feet giving way and bouncing off the canyon wall—we know we’ll be flying but our wings aren’t quite developed yet.

It’s going to be one heck of a roller coaster ride!  I don’t know about you, but a lot happens to me when I get on a roller coaster. I’m scared shitless, I scream bloody murder, experience huge gravity shifts that at times weigh me down and at others make me feel weightless, and I laugh my ass off when it’s over, or puke, or crawl to the nearest bench to sit while my equilibrium readjusts. Yeah, it’s going to be like that; it already is. So much is happening so fast, it’s difficult to integrate.

Here are a few ideas about what you need to remind yourself to do—write it down on a sticky note you can see somewhere, put a memo in your phone, tell your friends to remind you:

  1. Breathe!
  2. Take salt baths
  3. Put your bare feet on some grass
  4. Take a walk on the beach
  5. Hold a baby
  6. Go to a park and watch some kids playing
  7. Take a couple hours to watch a funny movie and laugh or cry
  8. Make yourself a healthy gourmet meal
  9. Smile
  10. Sit in the sunshine
  11. Dance
  12. Do a Kundalini yoga set and run some energy
  13. Journal
  14. Make love
  15. Sing
  16. Meditate

Give yourself time to integrate. It’s not going to slow down. There won’t be more time for it next week. You’re going to have to schedule it in. Shift is happening. Let it happen; don’t fight it. Cut yourself a break. You’re doing the best you can. Be love and breathe. That’s all you’re here to do. Enjoy the ride.

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