What is a Priestess, Really?

Mellissa Seaman founded the HeartWisdom Temple and its priestess lineageBy Mellissa Seaman
©2010 All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission.

The first time I was asked to call myself a priestess, I felt sick to my stomach.

I was raised Catholic, and was trained that only men are supposed to be priests. Even the word “priestess” conjured up an old rule-breaking shame, along with anger against systems that deny full acknowledgment of full feminine power.

But as I led women in the discovery and embodiment of our own unique forms of feminine spiritual power, I found that there are lots of different kinds of Priestesses—women who stand in spiritual leadership.

A mommy who shares reverence for the mystery of the natural world with her kids through song, art, and play is a Priestess. A hostess in a restaurant who consciously shines forth her Spirit and graciousness in the course of settling people into their tables in a restaurant is a Priestess. A wife who consciously raises and directs her sexual energy towards healing and wholeness in lovemaking with her husband is a Priestess. The form, the ritual, the tradition – these are not important to me. The intention, the devotion, and the acts of “walking the talk” in REAL life as a courageous chooser of love – a leader and example of embodied feminine mystery and power – THIS, to me, is a Priestess.

A new Priestess Initiation Circle is starting up next month in San Diego. Check it out at PriestessPower.com. Participate, Priestess! Life will never be the same.

Mellissa Seaman is Founder of our priestess lineage and the HeartWisdom Temple. She provides long-distance and in-person profound shamanic healing sessions in Northern and Southern California. Want more? Go to YoniShaman.com

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